Ep. 48 - Focus on Purity: It Really is that Serious!

In today’s episode we are finally getting into the meat of 1 Corinthians, those specific sins we mentioned we would get to earlier in this series, well it’s time to dig into our first one. We’ll be the first to tell you these topics aren’t always easy but they must be taught and talked about.

This first sin is on purity and a specific sexual sin that was going on within the church. We discuss how the church was instructed to handle this situation and what our take is of rebuke within the church.

We also discuss how sin is correlated to leaven in this text and how you’re better off to throw out the old leaven and start again with a new lump. As only a little leaven or yeast is needed to make bread rise, a little bit of sin can consume your whole congregation.

This passage of scripture takes sin very seriously and concludes with specific instructions on what we must do if a fellow believer in Christ is wrapped up in sin. Have you ever heard of being “churched” doesn’t happen much these days but was often a term used in days prior to handle someone that was deep in sin within the church.

Listen Now for the full study on this passage of scripture.

Scripture Read:

1 Corinthians 5

Matthew 5:27-30

Exodus 12:15, 12:23

1 John 1:9

What is the Purpose?

First and foremost, the purpose is to examine yourself.  Most of those that are listening are saved and we are to look within…are we engaging in sin that we should put out of our lives…sexually, coveting things, worshiping things or people, are we tearing people down with our words rather than building them up, is our language vulgar/abusive, are we finding ourselves abusing substances such as alcohol/drugs/prescriptions, have we become greedy in our job or careers?  If any of those things are present in our lives as Christians, then we need to seek forgiveness from the Lord and from those we’ve wronged.  Secondly, if you are a part of a church where your church leaders are engaging in any of these sins and it’s being brushed under the rug, in sincerity and in truth, maybe it’s time to ask for a meeting to express your concerns, and if it’s not handled in alignment with scripture, it may be time to disassociate from them and find a new place of worship.  And we’re cautious in saying this, because we always need to be mindful of our motives, we are not to blatantly cause problems within the church, but we need to seek a church congregation that desires to follow the teachings of God’s Word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit above all else. And you too, should make sure that you’re following the leadership of the Holy Spirit before you bring anything to attention but it should be done orderly and in love and truth, not in arrogance and for self-gratification.  

Also, it’s important to understand that this doesn’t mean that Christians are perfect.  We will sin from time to time and we have a loving Father who will forgive us if we have a repentant heart.  1 John 1:9, as we quote often, “if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” But this teaching today is about habitually sinning with an unrepentant heart…going back to the sin over and over again.  But even then, God is a loving God and he will forgive you.

What’s the Challenge?

Our challenge today is to repent and turn from what ever sin has entangled you.  Maybe it’s a relationship that is amazing but has crossed the line from holy to sinful through your sexual desires.  Repent and honor God more than your relationship.  If that person is truly who God wants you to be with, they will understand…that doesn’t mean it will be easy, but it will be built on Biblical Principles that will strengthen your relationship in the long run.  Maybe you have realized that your desire to be successful in your career has come with some bad decisions that have left you longing for worldly gain over following the Lord.  Repent and decide now to honor the Lord in every business deal going forward.  It may not always be the easiest decision, but people will respect you for your character.

Choosing to Honor God is always worth it!

God Bless from our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 49 - Focus on Reconciliation: Do Christians have the Right to Sue?


Ep. 47 - Living for an Audience of One: Being a Slave to the Gospel