Our Recommendations

We hope the suggestions below will help further your study in God’s word or help with some things you’re struggling with in your life.

*Please note these are books we have read/studied that have made an impact in our lives. Please keep in mind just because we like a particular book this does not mean we fully agree with the authors theological stand points and would recommend every book that was published by them. We will never recommend something we have not previously read.

*We do use affiliate links as a way to support our ministry. If you click on a link below and make a purchase we may make a small commission on that purchase. We are very careful with our recommendations and will only list products below that we stand by and have used ourselves. We have made it our mission to recommend products that will benefit our listeners and to recommend companies that have the same core values as we do. Assume all links below are affiliate links and do your own research before making a purchase. What is helpful to us may not always be helpful to you.

Personal Study

