Ep. 50 - Focus on Aligning Your Desires with God’s Will | Within & Outside of Marriage

In today’s episode we are diving into 1 Corinthians chapter 7. At first glance some of this scripture may seem a little harsh…What do you mean I don’t have control over by own body? You’re saying that my husband has control over me? There are so many lessons withing these 40 verses of scripture from rendering due benevolence to our spouse, to staying single and completely devoting our lives to the Lord. We explain these passages in detail while also discussing Paul’s stance on marriage and so much more!

Listen now to learn what the bible is telling us through these verses of scripture we promise there’s something for everybody!

Scripture Read:

1 Corinthians 7

Romans 8:28

What’s the Purpose:

We want to go back and reference a couple of verses that we skipped along the way because we feel they sum up the teaching and provide the purpose of today’s lesson.  Let’s look back at verse 20 “Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called” and verse 24 says “Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.”  Whether you’re single or married, whether you have children or not, whether your unbelieving spouse stays with you or leaves, whether you live with an unbelieving spouse or a saved spouse, wherever you are and whatever your circumstance, abide with God.  That word abide just means to remain faithful to continue with God. Clarke’s commentary says “ so any situation of life is equally friendly to the salvation of the soul, if a man be faithful to the grace he has received. Therefore, in all situations a Christian should be content, for all things work together for good to him who loves God.” And you know we at PWG loves the reference back to Romans 8:28.

What’s the Challenge?

If you have found yourself in a situation where it’s hard – you’re single and you are burning with the desire for companionship and intimacy, maybe you’re married to an unbelieving spouse, maybe you’re married to a believing spouse but you’re just unhappy, you’ve been pulling away from your husband and wife and you just don’t know what to do.  The simple answer is to just pray about it, but we beg you to devote yourself to prayer, not a simple “now I lay me down to sleep prayer” but meet with the Lord regularly, search the scripture for wisdom and ask Him to restore your joy and faithfulness in wherever you are in life.  But also share your desires with the Lord and ask Him to help you to align your desires with His will. And ultimately pray, as Jesus did in (scripture reference) “not my will but thine be done.” 

Links to Related Episodes:



God Bless from our Hearts to Yours!

Ashlee & Tabitha


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