Ep. 52 - Focus on Finding Common Ground: Share the Gospel

Have you ever wondered if it’s right for a pastor to get a salary from the church or what the difference between bi-vocational and full time pastoring is? If so this episode is for you.

We are diving into 1 Corinthians chapter 9 today and our biggest take away was no matter if you’re paid or not for your servitude within the church you should never lose your servants heart. Our end goal should always be as Paul’s was - to lead souls to the Lord.

One thing Paul did that we should all do within our Christian walk is to find common ground with other people. This doesn’t mean we change or compromise our beliefs but its getting to know something about someone so you can establish trust so that when you share the gospel they’ll be more receptive because you took the time to meet them where they are.

Scripture Read:

1 Corinthians 9

Acts 9

Acts 13:9

Deuteronomy 25:4

What’s the Purpose?

Make Jesus known…whether you serve at the church full-time or part-time or you’re a volunteer, whether you attend a church plant or you’re a missionary or you’re a man or woman, a father or mother, make Jesus known at work, among your friends, at the grocery store or the nail salon or at the hair salon.  Find common ground with whoever the Lord puts in front of you and Make Jesus known.  He’s worth it! And Paul knew that no matter what he faced, it was always worth it to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What’s the Challenge?

Find common ground with someone this week, get to know them, develop a relationship and then tell them how you met Jesus and what He’s done in your life.  You don’t have to have Romans Road memorized, although that wouldn’t hurt, but share your testimony of what Jesus has done for you with someone this week.  You can always find some common ground!

And going back to the beginning of the chapter talking about pastors, if you have a faithful pastor, maybe shoot him a text this week and let him know. He’s ministering to so many people while also leading his own family. He’s being called on for funerals, counseling and he’s always on call…be patient with him but it never hurts to encourage him as well.

We hope you enjoy and learn something from this episode.

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 53 - Focus on Being Courageous Not Cocky


Ep. 51 - Focus on not Abusing Your Christian Liberties: Just Because you Can Should You?