Ep. 64 - Sarah & Hagar Pt. 2 | Women of the Bibles Series Ep. 4

Today is part 2 in our study of Sarah & Hagar so if you haven’t listened to that episode you’ll want to go back and listen to it first. Last week we went through the series of events from Genesis 11 - 16 & today we’ll be picking up the study beginning with chapter 17.

We learned last week that this biblical account of Sarah & Hagar is full of deceit, jealousy, anger, rage and everything in between and the saga continues in our study today.

We open up seeing God making Abraham a promise again that he would be the father of many nations and this time we see Sarah mentioned for the first time in that promise. We also see here is where their names are changed to Abraham and Sarah. We see God telling them that Sarah will bare a son and call his name Isaac.

The drama unfortunately for Sarah and Hagar just heats up after Isaac is born and we see friction between him and Ishmael. Abraham and Sarah have to make a decision that ultimately leads to kicking Hagar and Ishmael out of the house. They send them on their way with some bread & water but the bread & water would soon run out and we see Hagar at the end of her rope but just when she thinks all hope is lost Jesus himself hears her cry and meets her needs. What a gracious God we serve he saw and heard Hagar right where she was and showed up to prove she wasn’t alone.

Listen now for the full study.

God Bless from our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 65 - Remember Lot’s Wife | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 5


Ep. 63 - Sarah & Hagar Pt. 1 | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 3